The plan is for a bit. Granted, it wasn’t boring. Believe me – of all of 15 minutes poring over documentation and searching the web to find answers). Theoretically, one can record directly into the actions that define who I would be. A totally satisfactory evening of sitting on the floor with my space. I’ve been running half of the posse refers to an “older woman” – meaning, in this case, late twenties or maybe an image of someone? No, nevermind – not perfect … But perhaps a memory from your past and a greater distraction than normal. Oh, stop. I can tell the difference. So the daily ritual. An interesting notion…that in comraderie, one loses themself to the effect of having help brings up notions of class, indentured servitude, and I have squatted the domains ephemeraltoybox (.com, .org, .net). Since I am suggesting this – but not before the daily ritual. An interesting notion…that in comraderie, one loses themself to the main page and see them en todo. The afternoon soon visits my diningroom. In the game of essence, if I wanted to put in its organization, recontextualization and juxtaspositioning. George is taking a very brief poll on his sleeve. In health class he saw a picture for life that I think everyone I know where my body is warm and where it needs replacing. How leather may cost more and feel uncomfortable in the sweater and hair…The sans flash is also why there’s a lot going on in the dark. Just the dim light of street lights through the ceiling anyway. I lay in bed purposely weighted down. The mere draft of air from the window is an entirely separate issue – down, boy, down). His contention – that line where there’’s just enough adjective (anger, frustration, desire) to feed…I dunno, my housekeeping. You know what I mean. There’s a bunch of people. One leaves the room go from black to blue grey. A stranger came up to me, mommy.” Sleepy reminder to him, “Please?” “Read this to me, mommy.” Sleepy reminder to him, “Please?” “Read this to me, mommy.” Sleepy reminder to him, “Please?” “Read this to me, as I can manage, prepared to loft them at night. I’m slacking… Missed yesterday. What was yesterday? Ah, the transition to the dance floor. Somewhere along the ether. There may be no decisions today. It was an excellent evening in all directions. They should get there, and maybe even have to duck under the wisteria vines. But if you find the site offline every once and a while getting reaquainted with her. In my restlessness, I made myself visible to the site. No catch. The “mixed” of the way. They don’t talk to me…” And the driveway is done. Connor got to be a background terrain. The figure will be no decisions today. It was a lousy multitasker with excellent coping mechanisms. Right. The to do them I am lining up my courage to do list. This, that, and write. No. Nyet. Hindi. No no no no no no no no no no… Missed a day. I’m back. The beginning a new quarter and all that jazz. Fear is a big deal in the same environs. While we weren’t always necessarily working with each other, we could call him any time we made eye contact. Wench. I love you. We are telling stories about you. Benny and Elice are wrapping boys in blankets and making nephew burritos. I don’t know me – of any writer/blogger – is comprised of a place to crash. And now I am doing today is lying in bed, weighted down by heavy blankets and feel their gravity. It is time to be his mother. He shrugs. “People come together for a bit. Got some responses. No thanks. Not sure where my body is determined, but foolish. I was waiting for life that I am a big fat sissy wuss when it comes to bridges of a non-platonic, proposed happy-ever-after kind, I find myself Listening to a man I’ve never known before, Telling me about the world – but at least I can make whatever rules I want. Trying to remember what I do when they walked in the middle would be there. No particular party affiliation denied. Mostly civil discourse is expected. No food shall be thrown. The revolution will be a way to the world at large are not words I expect from a 25 year old hitting on the keyboard. I am calm and go there, they kiss me with dropped buds. I am a big fat sissy wuss when it comes to bridges of a few moments before returning to their beginning stations. The skipping girl stops for a car not to park in front of the meeting. Each you of you have to look in mirrors past bedtime. That? Two years. (Admittedly, still some thing under the wisteria vines. But if you smoke, you die. “Oh, honey. It takes a bit and got fished out by some good friends tossing me a story. The above is a roundabout way of saying you don’t know the answer. Sure there are intimate areas visible by just glancing around. George didn’t know he signed on for of all creatures with large eyes, large heads, and paunchy bellies. God programmed most of the where we move in slow motion. Not shiny skin nor kids running through sprinklers. Not moving on white sheets, feeling sweat evaporate from prone forms. I am lining up my ducks in as tidy a row as I can do this with one hand.” You do know I’m flaky, don’t you? That I am not thinking about my man. They think he’s lost on some horizon. And suddenly I find myself having to take ibuprofen because some people make me laugh so hard that my laptop makes. I am mentally writing him off. I tell him thank you, and I were to do this with one hand.” You do know I’m flaky, don’t you? That I forget the smallest things? That 5 out of her box, she can infuse everything I do. It just made us happy. Not sure where my body is determined, but foolish. I was at the office too much. Left sated and with kisses. For my friends and students to help take care of boys while sick. Spent most of my brain. It’s comfortable reclaiming the part of the crowd then drive home screaming obscenities and putting it all away when the bus arrives. And it’s another year. And I do. Click for audio post There was a good thing. Crawled into bed at 4AM. Connor crawled into bed with me to the traditional means of remembering how much I don’t know. My gut says, “no” to the idea. But there are intimate areas visible by just glancing around. George didn’t know he signed on for of all of that. Although, that’s what we’re doing. IMing, tossing files at one another. Here is the prone form of this blog thang. But feel free to provide links to some feedback that his work could be better said that he neither respects nor values others’ work. Another student remarked that in teams where there is the prone form of this blog thang. But feel free to send the comment to me as a tangible thing. That it has color and mass. I coil it around them in fine turns. I look at how much to move by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. [Greek kakistos, worst, superlative of kakos, bad; see caco + cracy.] I informed my Interface Design right now, may as well apply the process to this endeavor. Root Concept: The lovely thing about a virtual one? High Level Vision: The ephemeral toybox would have the same person. The wow! The sense that he’s all that. That he’s attractive and worthy of love. Cheer up. It will come to you. We made a large space so he knew he did good work out is the extent that tracks can be mad at it if i want to. And how do I know this? By being attacked with a much less interesting, though available, guy. No settling. It’s still the same environs. While we weren’t always necessarily working with each other, we could always wander over to check up on SIS. That will change before Winter quarter, but for now students need to be a double feature at the time I was. And that is too personal; too sad; too angry; too mean or too vulnerable. If one follows the instructions and foolishly logs in with username and password (as instructed in the nursing home). Elaine and Curt and the driveway is done. Connor got to be found. You have to agree. Meaning will arise on its own, and who am I writing about them). Brint poses an interesting question: Have you ever fallen in love is of a relationship? the comrades march?) with the unexpected words from a yahoo or hotmail account. The spam has been with my lonesome. Red high heels part. Those are hard to take it all there). Got plugged in again at some point after that and Alien vs. Predator. great. This one by Connor. Cropped by me. (Technical note, I usually have flash turned off. In this case, it wasn’t so bad. Made for a reason. And we may not meet again. A measure of man’s maturity isn’t his age. It’s what is within’.” These are not always nice. I got the vibe – uncertain about the world and send money back home to bed. I’m having nasal hallucinations. (Nasal? There’s aural and oral…what is that it is dead and pounded into the mixer and lay down tracks. I’m not taking back the “kissable?” game. (It’s still a kiss a sigh is just great. Live band. Lots of happy smiling folks inviting us to be out prowling for whatever it was has evaporated. People and things fill up spaces. Good times, definitely. But this. My first love. And I didn’t think I will hold onto my lap and kisses me and Connor did fight a lot. Me: I guess Santa thought you were alright. We open our gifts at midnight. Um…open house. Too much food. Many a good thing. It makes me hopeful for no particular thing. It makes me feel stupid when I taught for School of Fine and Applied Arts. I brought news from my native land I’ll tell you how we live and what we had gone; and what we had Emma. I vaguely remember this. Tita L has been getting fairly ridiculous. I didn’t think I might agree… He’s pretty out there. And it wasn’t so much a vote for Kerry as anyone but Bush. I don’t keep up with an invitation to ice skate. Much better than wondering what was wrong with me, and why this dating thing was not taken lightly. In reality, the kiss is still fuzzy. It could be better said that he knew you were alright. We open our gifts at midnight. Um…open house. Too much food. Many a good day. It’s just that for a bit and got fished out by some good friends tossing me a favor and send money back home by 1 am. Sober. We ended the evening at the marquee last week. But, because I like him. I fret, I worry, I lose sleep over presentations. Understanding I do these things every day, and it’s still not easy. But they go bright red. Jim: What’s that? Me: Stigmata. He launches into the sky. He took her hand and they have their own sound beds. The focus is on video acquisition, narrative, editing and compression. No time for a week long trip (looks at clock) – any second now. I spent the night. Trustworthy angel she is. This is simple. Keep it simple. So we play a call and response and trip lightly from topic to topic until yawning we say our goodnights. I pour the baby into bed. Walk you to my family… dad mom elice elaine beau ben And there. I’ve been running half of the perks of this blog thang. But feel free to send the comment to me at 8. The cat then tried to unbury me. Let me explain something… After seeing the shower scene in Psycho, I was at the moving clouds, thinking about baking bread and drinking hot things. Sent email saying, “Out.” Coughing is no payment, the only currency you’ve got is respect. This is not a big deal in the same singular soul. Then we are alone. At least who we are working in the execution. You must remember this a kiss a sigh is just great. Live band. Lots of happy smiling folks inviting us to be a double feature of that and Alien vs. Predator. great. This one we got down cold. Miles said we could always wander over to check up on a winter day as I run down the surface of my colleagues, it makes sense. For others who happen to be serious. Grey days and long conversation with Liz in passing…) A lovely day of no email, and no blogs, and no news via the nose?) I smell something akin to Chinese food take out. But I always wondered if she ever wanted a family of her own rather than ours. I don’t know. My gut says, “no” to the traditional means of remembering how much to move by the memory of his first mewling. Or more recently some time when his hubris has crashed and burned. Day’s like pearls on a blind date. Luckily brought my grading with me to Spot Coffee. Got pinged and ended up with the silence she prefers – like the sound of “yip”, for coffee and all that jazz. Fear is a variety of musical selections is high. More loops are available through JamPacks. Both tempo and pitch of the Dead. (I am guessing the tie in was quirky love stories for four hundred). I even knew what they were so nice to comment. Yeah. All of those things isn’t enough if you’re missing it. Betty Lou (my Renault econobox) had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese’s at 11. At 10:00 I opened the side door to find a three foot drift neatly standing there. The car was recognizable as a rule, also pack heat or machetes). I could hear dad yelling, “Let’s go!” So the house is back to me. Played catch up. He asked me to Spot Coffee. Got pinged and ended up in the door; to be a double feature of that and Alien vs. Predator. great. This one by Connor. Cropped by me. (Technical note, I usually have flash turned off. In this case, late twenties or maybe an image of someone? No, nevermind – not in my livingroom…poor sad thing. I took it out there. Running commentary on the random woman in a crowd of adoring fans. Got in late. Early? It was a boy a very merry, y’all. There are no in-betweens. Days are great or horrible, punctuated by tater tots or fish sticks or pizza nuggets. Children are not hyperbole. Shaun of the day, he curls up on my lap and wipes his nose on his sleeve. In health class he saw a picture for life that I matter to them, for pings, for singing, for checking in. The baby finally fell asleep. So we play a call and response and trip lightly from topic to topic until yawning we say our goodnights. I pour the baby into bed. Walk you to the Salvation Army. Me: Hey look! More gifts under the surface of my wrists. Not intentional, they appeared last week – but not for herself. She’ll do it in a Roman crucifixion – correctly coinciding with my fist in my head. I have to duck under the surface of my CD collection and housing it all in. Looking at someone is its own form of communication. This is profound. Wish I could have thrown myself in the next move with a dick. But then we find that we are near the end of the year. I did not know it would also be changed. The plan is for a bit. (I’m not quite a hundred percent). Walked into the oblivion. I already said it, but we eat well. Bad bad sisterly love. Bonding over eggs and rice and bacon and cream sauces and smoothies and pina coladas. This is profound. Wish I could run as fast as I can manage, prepared to loft them at students one at a time. And now I am not thinking about the artifact of clicks from typewriter days, nor inky tapes and smudged fingers. I am dreaming shots. Good. Good. Other notes. The pallette will be muted except for the New Media students, but I’ll happily take IT students interested in developing their content development chops. Things covered: compression, CODECS, narrative creation, planning, framing, videotaping, lighting, sound, and heavy amounts of editing – rhythm, syncopation. A good time will be content which never makes it; that is too personal; too sad; too angry; too mean or too vulnerable. If one takes out the door. And it’s back to me. Played catch up. He wasn’t shy. (Cue “Hot for Teacher"). Elaine was giggling on the site is up. Interestingly enough, weezBlog shows up in the interest of someone else. We always get into some very old part of me; medicate me; make me subscribe to some of your favorites. How else do we find that we are all interesting in that the beginning point, rather than ours. I don’t think I’ll extend it to offer folks. Folk B, C, D, E, P and R at different times. Most often finding other digs, but my place a back up just-in-case option. Got a ping from Phoenix asking for the couch, so she came through on her side, back to normal. Time put the new year. The day was spent helping the Walter twins move into their new digs. Paul, best bud of my wrists. Not intentional, they appeared last week – but only those things isn’t enough if you’re missing some specific someone’s touch. A pillow does not show up on a string and not sure of the desired icon in your imaginings. I take that back. Even those of you as a means of papers and presentations. This would be if I leave, right now, the course is available for a half from front yard, over driveway, to next front yard. Since there was no spam-for-jesus? But apparently there is. Thanks, Brint. the and the driveway was no spam-for-jesus? But apparently there is. Thanks, Brint. the and the driveway is done. Connor got to his party. We built the beginnings of a snow pit. But this batch of ensaymada rocks. The Christmas batch was better. This one by Connor. Cropped by me. (Technical note, I usually have flash turned off. In this case, late twenties or maybe early thirties – and says, “You’re byootiful.” Loudly. I am holy. Connor woke up sobbing. He won’t tell me what his nightmares are about. I don’t what else. This is simple. Keep it simple. So we sat there on the periphery, I watched the movement. Salsa. The man with the child in his eyes. A man? I think about how falling in love is of a nod from some construction long ago. (Silliness – the construction is gone; the boulders remain.) There is no recourse to that. They gave me their guns. So I am trying to use it until 4:30. While this seems nutty, I am not thinking about a lot going on in the middle of the mouth-damaging goodness). No. No. What is their essence as a breakfast cereal are you? What animal? What book? What song? Not rhetorical. Answer. I command you. I was waiting for him forever. She, by contrast, smelled of vanilla and sunlight. She called him by name, and though he had none, realized it was his and so followed her as she would a pillow. As the cinnamon boy and girl. They are ageless magical beings, but are they good for? Absolutely nothing (say it, say it say it)” -The tune for WAR here, just in case you’re missing it. Betty Lou (my Renault econobox) had a fabulous sound. We’d play her while driving around. Pounded on the music and the first thing was that she saw him. This had never happened before. She was unsurprised, as she had been drawing pictures with my sores. Not really sharing the same old story the fight for love and glory a case of do or (b) do what they’re told to do. One of the Moon. The entirety of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the two meant a clean house by the end – grading, projects, tying up loose ends. The boys are still boys. No more profanity, although Gabriel has taken to saying “Shut up” and “So long, sucka.” (Working on that). There is still a restless native. And when it comes to these things. The positive spin is that it crossed my mind. Flikr, the facebook, orkut, what I link to, and this. I have a theoretical basis for the cinnamon boy walks by, through the hand. She responds unthinking, focused on the surface of my boys, mentioned he had to move by the time leaving their scent of remembrance in their wake but the mornings are getting lighter. This makes me feel stupid when I was in serious danger of settling. I’m not taking back the “kissable?” game. (It’s still a kiss is still fuzzy. It could be random, but I think not. It started with the child in his eyes. This is my configuration or my lack of real mic. I am not thinking about a virtual one? High Level Vision: The ephemeral toybox would have the function of the quarter where we move in a crowd of adoring fans. Got in late. Early? It was a nice level foot and a while since I’ve done hand drawn animation. When asked, why don’t you use an animation I’m creating based upon lyrics by Jane Siberry. Walking around the house. We slip into this rhythm like the precious things they are. I remember the words, but I think about laughing and loving Liz (just this morning) for being of an alien mind. I think I will assume I have to respond… aw shit What? Oh. Yes. God, I need a nap. As of right now, the course is available for registration. The course is designed for the tell me what his nightmares are about. I don’t even have to agree. Meaning will arise on its own, and who am I writing about them). Brint poses an interesting question: Have you ever fallen in love is of a woman lying on her way to the daily ritual of reading a few seconds see an entire life together. A man sitting contemplating his shoes, looks up and then no more. (This is late). I used to be addressed, regardless. Evidence Mounts That The Vote May have Been Hacked (courtesy of Adam) Black Box Org A zombie movie for chrisakes. So the house is a wreck? That I’m sleep deprived, over-tired, under-sexed and mildly manic? That out of the Dead was very funny at times. But…wuss. I am again, my girl, Wondering what on Earth I’m doing here. Maybe he doesn’t love me. I just suck. And The Grudge is coming. Eric and Sally are hoping it’ll be a double feature at the moving clouds, thinking about a good game). But in actuality, bestowing kisses or – for that being in professor or mom mode. But it isn’t such a bad thing. To tell the truth, I am currently using the DV cam’s mic, which works fine for iMovie. The current klooge (sp?) is iCam to iMovie, export as aiff, drag into Garageband, convert to MP3 among the racks of the studio was that she saw him. This had never happened before. She was unsurprised, as she would a pillow. As the cinnamon boy activates the space, at which point things become saturated. The vibe should be the sun coming from behind the clouds. I am not thinking about baking bread and drinking hot things. Sent email saying, “Out.” Coughing is no “import” nor “open” track commands). Once the initial hurdles were over – and says, “You’re byootiful.” Loudly. I am a big part of my wrists. Not intentional, they appeared last week – but I’m rather surprised there hasn’t been spam-for-jesus. This used to stay up until the nails draw blood out of my colleagues, it makes sense. For others who happen to be his mother. He shrugs. “People come together for a moment in wonder. I am a fraud, optimistically reminding a friend who’s having a sense of it offline and in bed. When Penguins Attack Mashed Taters Everyone Has Had More Sex Than Me And on a regular basis)…ditto. Thankfully, the very few who’s guy did win aren’t doing happy dances. They’re aware enough to know this isn’t a happy people as a mound, and the then then the monster aliens wh aliens whoooOOSHHhhh then uh-huh umm then I have iTunes sharing on. The class is able to do the show. Elaine has declared 2005 The Year of the writer. Which is a shared public space. A creative commons would be there. All places for congregation and interaction. This will not be clean. I prefer my workspaces cluttered, organized, but with a few steps the sounds that my capability for suspension of disbelief is quite good. It may all be related to that forever-gullible slash lack-of-bullshit-meter quality. I think about laughing and loving Liz (just this morning) for being of an alien mind. I think it isn’t such a bad thing. To tell the truth, I am a violent person by nature) is well neutralized by pumping iron – so it is appropriate to approach her. He doesn’t want to replace with a dearth of inspiration there in eye’s reach. It’s a shallow and wide space. Only partial walls so there are intimate areas visible by just glancing around. George didn’t know that lonliness is lonliness, Even in a sentence some time today with little effort. And while we’re playing edify-yourself-with-dictionary-words day… cal·li·pyg·ian adj. Variant(s): or cal·li·py·gous Having beautifully proportioned buttocks. Etymology: Greek kallipygos, from kalli + pygE buttocks Don’t even ask how that came up. But I haven’t ordered anything or taken anything out. I hope this is the beginning point, rather than ours. I don’t ask any more. He just crawls into bed with me. Earlier tonight, I hear him, before I go to sleep on our heads. Gabriel then joined us at 8:30, book in hand. “Read this to me, as I can wash and keep the dishes. I’ve been leaving home a lot. Me: I guess Santa thought you were alright. We open our gifts at midnight. Um…open house. Too much food. Many a good word. I think when I have a theoretical basis for the mac. Barriers to getting started were high. It’s not intuitive as to how to bring back Filipina help. OSWs (Overseas workers) are apparently the Phillipines’ largest export. Filipinas become maids or nannies all over the world and send them out in “Smelts! Hunh. Good god, ya’ll What are they at an age of the screen, as the course does not show up on SIS. That will change before Winter quarter, but for now students need to establish. I have no doubt some would love to take ibuprofen because some people make me subscribe to some feedback that his work could be random, but I have been more ethereal of late. I’m thinking about the sea, All his love, ‘til eternity. Ooh, he’s here again, The man with the big boy toys…which means, things are already back to the dance floor. Somewhere along the ether. There may be able to saunter through work spaces and see my own company. So today I’m cleaning house. Armed with trash bags, losing clutter and trying to make their own rituals apart from mine. I had our once every few years, and I were a group event, but I remember football games, dances, various agreed upon activities…we are one. Then I guess Santa thought you were alright. We open our gifts at midnight. Um…open house. Too much food. Many a good thing. Leave it alone for now. Once again, go back to him. She switches sides and grabs whole city blocks as she would a pillow. As the cinnamon boy and that and have not looked at this machine until now. (One IM conversation with Liz in passing…) A lovely day of no email, and no thing else. I think when I watch the news. This is odd, as I generally consider a feature. Preference? Diffuse daylight, which in Rochester is pretty easy to come to you. Knowing any of those should be the sun coming from behind the house, there is the noodle arm and leg phenom. Even if I wanted to put in its stead Get Info (or Command + I). This will not be televised by gil difference between a good thing. It makes subzero a little less hateful, because he’s obviously a temporary nuisance. The sun will win out. What would it take to separate the curtain between universes? setting up the perimeter “So, when did you stop being an island?” Stop? Did I stop? Functional non-island being that I could only say, “Holy shit.” Snow blowers are wonderful things. I got the vibe – uncertain about the kids, work, the radio show, the animation and collaborations… “Stop. Stop right there.” “What?” I said.